Data Feeds

For Interactive Broking Service - Trade, Dividend and Cash

As a client with Interactive Brokers, here are the instructions on how to get your data uploaded into your fund. Data upload will include trades, dividends & cash transactions.

Click on a section to toggle it.

Note: We will be able to download your historic data from Interactive Broking, simply register UNIP as your administrator on Interactive Broker platform.

  1. Log into your Interactive Brokers account
  2. Go to Investor’s Market Place > Search Services > Administration > Third-Party Administrators
  3. Search for UNIP Australia Pty Ltd (Sort by: location)
  4. Click on More Information
  5. Click on Link and follow instructions, this will send UNIP support an email to accept your account
  1. Register an account with UNIP
  2. Activate your account details (activation email will be sent to your registered email address)
  3. Setup your fund, account and cash details as per this link
  4. Log into your Interactive Brokers account
  5. Go to Investor’s Market Place > Search Services > Administration > Third-Party Administrators
  6. Search for UNIP Australia Pty Ltd (Sort by: location)
  7. Click on More Information
  8. Click on Link and follow instructions, this will send UNIP support an email to accept your account

For OpenMarkets Online Broking Services - Trade transactions

As a client with OpenMarkets here are the instructions on how to get your contract notes uploaded into your fund.

Click on a section to toggle it.

  1. Open an account with OpenMarkets
  2. Authorise OpenMarkets to allow UNIP to receive your trade contract note details
  3. Enter your OpenMarkets trading account number into your UNIP portfolio account
  1. Open an account with OpenMarkets
  2. Register an account with UNIP
  3. Activate your account details (activation email will be sent to your registered email address)
  4. Setup your fund, account and cash details as per this link
  5. Load your 'Unrealised' trade positions held as at last financial year end plus all the trades after that date. You can either enter these manually, or use this sample spreadsheet
    • What is unrealized trade positionThese are share transactions by stock held as at the end of your last financial year (Use original trade dates.) Once loaded these will form the opening position of each stock held in your account.
      Note: All trades after the start date can be loaded in the same file.
  6. Authorise OpenMarkets to allow UNIP to receive your trade details
  7. Enter your OpenMarkets trading account number into your UNIP portfolio account

For Macquarie Bank - Cash transactions

As a client with Macquarie Bank, here are the instructions on how to get your CMA cash transactions uploaded into your fund.

Click on a section to toggle it.

  1. Open your Macquarie bank Macquarie Website
  2. Add your Macquarie bank account details into your existing UNIP cash account or create a Macquarie cash account on UNIP
  3. Authorise Macquarie bank to receive your bank transactions via data feed by filling in this (third party authority) form and send a copy of this form to
  4. If you opened your Macquarie CMA account through a broker then you may need to provide additional proof of your signature with the 3rd party form (e.g. copy of your drivers licence)
  5. Fill in section 1 with your Macquarie account details and section 4 with the following details:
    • Company Name: UNIP Australia Pty Ltd
    • Company Code/Bulk Transaction Code: A983-UNIPPL
    • Level of Authority: 'Enquiry Authority' (tick this box)
    • Cross off sections 2, 3, 5
    • Fill in declaration and signature (section 6)
The completed form to then be returned to Macquarie’s office by mail to:
Macquarie Bank Limited
GPO Box 1459
F: 1800 550 140